The County of Santa Clara values its employees and clients and will provide healthy, safe, and secure County facilities for them. Safety is everyone's responsibility and the County supports and encourages employees to identify and resolve safety problems. Response to safety concerns will be given the highest priority at every level of County government.
The philosophy behind our safety goals incorporates the County's attitude regarding the role, responsibility, and commitment expected from each and every person in our organization.
The County of Santa Clara values its employees and clients...
We in the County organization care about workplace safety because we care about our employees and the clients we serve. People work for the County because they choose a career in public service, and we take pride in providing services to our clients in a professional manner, with care and dignity.
...And will provide healthy, safe, and secure County facilities for them.
The safety and well being of our employees and clients is primary to our mission of providing quality services. Our facilities will be environments where important public services can be conducted in a safe and healthful manner. Employees will be provided the appropriate equipment and training to ensure that they can perform their jobs safely.
Safety is everyone's responsibility...
Every County employee must recognize the need to care for their personal safety and the safety of their co-workers and clients. As employees we must be diligent in following safety procedures and practices, wearing protective gear when appropriate, helping co-workers when necessary to safely accomplish certain tasks, and in general keeping a watchful eye for hazardous or unsafe conditions. Hazards may never be totally eliminated in the workplace, but if each of us embraces safety as our personal responsibility, many injuries will be prevented.
...And the County supports and encourages employees to identify and resolve safety problems.
As part of assuming this individual responsibility for safety, every employee is empowered to both identify and seek solutions to safety problems in their workplace. In our organization, employees are expected to act proactively to bring safety issues forward. When they do so, they will be supported and not subject to retaliation.
Response to safety concerns will be given the highest priority at every level of County government.
When safety concerns are identified it is expected that resolution of those concerns will be a priority task at the lowest level of the organization empowered to solve the problem. In each instance, actions will be guided by the intent of these Safety Goals, which is to demonstrate the caring and concern we have for our employees and clients. Safety is to be given the highest priority throughout the organization. When safety concerns are raised, a response is expected.