If a County employee is injured on the job, then please contact your supervisor immediately.
911 Emergency Services for serious injuries:
For Serious Work Injuries, dial 911 for an ambulance or take the employee to the nearest Emergency Room.
Report all serious injuries within 8 hours to Cal/OSHA's 24-hour serious injury/death reporting line at 510-794-2521.
Serious injury definition
Specific or cumulative, occurring in the place of employment or in connection with any employment, that results in any of the following:
- Inpatient hospitalization
- All body part amputations
- Any serious degree of permanent disfigurement
- Impairment sufficient to cause a part of the body or the function of an organ to become permanently and significantly reduced in efficiency on or off the job, including, but not limited to, depending on the severity, second-degree or worse burns, crushing injuries including internal injuries even though skin surface may be intact, respiratory illnesses, or broken bones
- Serious physical harm may be caused by a single, repetitive practice, means, method, operation, or process