Commonly used safety forms and lists Click on the attachments below for commonly used forms and lists for safety and environmental compliance.AttachmentsWorkplace Evaluation ChecklistWelding PermitTask Evaluation ChecklistSCBA Monthly ChecklistSafety Orientation ChecklistSafety Training RecordSafety Inspection Form - Shop AreasSafety Inspection Form - Common Areas and OfficesSafety Book ListPre-Entry ChecklistPost At Point of EntryOffice Ergonomics Products ListMaterials Handling Evaluation ChecklistIndustrial Truck Inspection FormsHow to Report a Safety HazardHearing Conservation Notification LetterHazardous Materials Incident ReportHazard ReportHand Tool Evaluation ChecklistGeneral Workplace Evaluation ChecklistFacility Emergency PlanEquipment SurveyEmergency Response ReportConfined Space Data SheetComputer Workstation Evaluation ChecklistCertification of Hazard Assessment and Personal Protective Equipment Selection WorksheetBomb Threat Checklist