County of Santa Clara Written Safety Programs Chapter 1-25 The County's IIPP SB198 Safety Plan.AttachmentsChapter 1 - Written Injury and Illness Prevention ProgramChapter 2 - County of Santa Clara Safety and Health PolicyChapter 3 - Medical Treatment ProceduresChapter 4 - Emergencies in County FacilitiesChapter 5 - Fire Prevention PlanChapter 6 - Nomination Form for Safety AwardChapter 7 - Disciplinary ProceduresChapter 8 - County Driver Permit PolicyChapter 9 - Motor Vehicle Accident ProceduresChapter 10 - Emergency Eyewash and Shower EquipmentChapter 11 - Hazard ReportChapter 12 - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Chapter 13 - Globally Harmonized System (GHS)Chapter 14 - Blood Borne PathogensChapter 15 - Hearing ConservationChapter 16 - Lockout/TagoutChapter 17 - Respiratory ProtectionChapter 18 - WeldingChapter 19 - Confined SpaceChapter 20 - Ergonomics ProgramChapter 20 - Ergonomics AppendixChapter 21 - Forklift Trucks/Industrial VehiclesChapter 23 - Public Access Defibrillation ProgramChapter 24 - Heat Illness Prevention ProgramChapter 25 - Aerosol Transmissible Diseases